Dazed and Confused Shows


Vienna – Austria

Sportstraders Pitch Design

Carnevale Filmfestival Website

Fintech App Store

Fintec AB Testing Site

My first assignment for fintech companies in Tel-Aviv, a great city, love to swim there.

Perydshou Online Shop

Complete handmade conversion of woocommerce templates to twitter bootstrap framework.

Gelbe Liste Ordering Form

Fintech Site

The Mechanics Website

A customer and good friend where I can test the latest technologies.

Logo Draft – in order to purchase

IC3PEAK poster

Black Space Riders

Tip & Cash Successful Pitch Design

Bahlsen niche site

Brutalists Nebelic Poster

Finis Terrae Poster & Flyer

Autohaus Tichy Logo

The Mechanic

Unzine Logo

SHHH! Poster

Sportstraders Campaign

Computer Repair Service Logo

Mythic Sunship Poster

Nimas Li



Morph Flyer