Dazed and Confused Shows


Vienna – Austria

Carnevale Filmfestival Website

NB Portfolio

Billa Reisen Design

One of my most extensive senior design works (6 months). 12 travel databases are queried live via an interface – hotel costs, flight connections, picture databases, map entries – a whole series of problems … try booking a flight: www.billareisen.at

Agency Site

Fintec AB Testing Site

My first assignment for fintech companies in Tel-Aviv, a great city, love to swim there.

Perydshou Online Shop

Complete handmade conversion of woocommerce templates to twitter bootstrap framework.

Gelbe Liste Ordering Form

Fintech Site

Sabine Kunzmann Portfolio Site

I like to fade with her sense for type. Check out the great compositions by AD Sabine Kunzmann: sabinekunzmann.at

The Mechanics Website

A customer and good friend where I can test the latest technologies.

Finis Terrae Poster & Flyer

The Mechanic

Cortez Bar Website


My friend and former colleague CD Alfred. Take a look at the great work done on an original Heidelberg press. www.atelierwerkstatt.at

Golf federation website

Another big fucking effort. Every golfer in austria has to login at this over-all website and can request statistics, scores, reservations and leadership tables. I decided to deliver a modular construction kit. A big focus was on advertising placement. WordPress/Bootstrap/jquery framework with styleguide and prototyping.

Turbo Lenz


Josef Kleinsdienst

